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  1. Moise Kean

    This is Paratici right?
  2. Moise Kean

    All I know is this kid at 24 is fucking rich and has settled also his next generations. Kudos to him.
  3. Moise Kean

    I watched highlights and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Wtf.
  4. Moise Kean

    I'll say it again, his peak was at 15 yrs old. He was agile and could dribble back then. As he bulked up, by 18/19 he already had some stone legs. Some of the heaviest legs I've ever seen him professional football, like those old big poachers who can't stop a ball.
  5. Moise Kean

    I think Juventus will be stuck with this guy for the next 3+ years. He'll be that perennial annoying "super sub".
  6. Moise Kean

    This guy has some of the slowest feet I've seen in top football. It does look like an average joe trying to do tricks
  7. Moise Kean

    I despise Kean, but man, Zalayeta was disgustingly bad.
  8. Moise Kean

    He looks like a footballer again, who can accelerate and carry the ball a bit. I'm afraid at 25/26 he'll permanently look like a retired player though. Sell ASAP
  9. Moise Kean

    A 23y 1.80m kid lost 6 kilos? Big deal. Are you fucking kidding me? As I said, lets hope he raises some positive value. Ship him ASAP.
  10. Moise Kean

    Sell and run away
  11. Moise Kean

    His signing is proof that management either made a decision based on reputation, and not on technical recommendation; or based on recommendation by people who are horrid at their job. All it needed was to watch this guy play the past years. The writing was on the wall. And they made a huge...
  12. Moise Kean

    Atrocious. Fucker is weighing 90kg
  13. Moise Kean

    Yes, they seem lazy as fuck. Or are following Allegri's preference for experienced (even if washed up) players, and even better if he has worked with them (Morata). It's just the same old conservative approach.
  14. Moise Kean

    Shit striker
  15. Moise Kean

    I remember watching him when he was 15/16yrs old... a great blend of aggressiveness, acceleration, strength, finishing. He had agility and could even dribble. He had a good first touch. What I still think happened is he had a growing spurt, got too strong and lost all of it. What a shame. I do...
  16. Moise Kean

    He's horrid. Ship him out while he still has some reputation as a young player with potential.
  17. Moise Kean

    So buying Kean, resigning Berna and De Sciglio? Management is doing well it seems. This club has become a circus, and is slowly losing its soul. It's becoming more and more indifferent.
  18. Moise Kean

    If Cherubini has to look for a way out, it doesn't sound very promissing.
  19. Moise Kean

    My bad. Can't even bash Cherubini yet, to me it's not even clear who is actually making football decisions right now. 1642003696 Kean was a very promising player at the age of 15/16. He was not only strong and had good finishing, but was fast, had some explosiveness in him, was aggressive...
  20. Moise Kean

    Freeze him out so there's a chance the requirements are not met. But knowing Paratici, these should be very easily attainable, probably more of a formality or an insurance in case he gets injured. It was clear as day this guy is pure shit. And they spent 40M they don't have. That's the state...