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  1. jukazem

    [CL] Olympiacos 1-0 JUVENTUS (October 22nd 2014)

    I see Bayern recently more like 3-4-3 Neuer Benatia - Boateng - Alaba Lahm - Alonso - Muller - Bernat Robben - Lewandowski - Gotze sometimes switching mid-game to 4-2-3-1 Neuer Lahm - Benatia - Boateng - Bernat Alonso - Alaba Robben - Muller - Gotze Lewandowski sometimes even...
  2. jukazem

    [CL] Olympiacos 1-0 JUVENTUS (October 22nd 2014)

    still think Tevez and Llorente aren't good enough for Juve to make a statement in Europe; forwards win you matches and ours just aren't good enough. Morata and Giovinco looked sharp and fast today but I doubt they can make the difference when it counts.