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  1. [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    Anyway. He's the best player of the world IMO. Ronaldo is a close second. He's definitely one of the greatest. But other greats were much more magical than he is. A lot of posts here represent what I feel about him. He lacks passion, different moves. Also, forms of dominance generaly make...
  2. [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    I'll never deny his greatness, it's impossible to. But look.. I usually don't like Argentinian footballers, for obvious reasons. But Messi is not one of them. I'm just indifferent to what he does. And one of the aspects of being boring is repetitiveness. He's very repetitive in the sense...
  3. [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    Messi is so fucking boring... beating Levante at Camp Nou. Just got boring. Where was he in the WC final?
  4. [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    Exactly. Spanish institutions act in order to protect this "secret". The judge ordered to destroy all evidences pointing out to famous Spanish athletes found at Barcelona, related to cyclism EPO, on a very weak basis. Barcelona of 3 years ago and today's Atletico do an absolutely insane...
  5. [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    Spanish athletes and teams, mainly Atletico, really really look to be on roids. I think it's too much of a coincidence to see so many Spanish athletes and teams thrive this much physically.