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  1. Knowah

    [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    The top 2 teams are amazing, the next 2 are great, 2 more are decent and the rest is utter shit. Half the clubs in La Liga wouldn't be in Serie A and 4-6 of them wouldn't last in Serie B. It's a shit league overall with two financial giants at the top and 2-3 strong clubs near the top still.
  2. Knowah

    [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    This. Atletico didn't seem to want a win that whole match.
  3. Knowah

    [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    Dat bulge though. Seriously, why sculpt it like that? I don't get it, its just a joke.
  4. Knowah

    [SPA] La Liga 2014/2015

    But they had so much possession.