Search results

  1. Carlos Primera

    Didier Drogba - ST - Galatasaray

    As much as I appreciate Quags contributions of the past few years, Drogba (peace be upon him) evacuates more footballing ability during his routine morning sessions on the squat toilet than Quag posseses in his entire bloodline. Obviously were not starting him game in game out over the course...
  2. Carlos Primera

    Didier Drogba - ST - Galatasaray

    Google "SBA" and you will find an image of this man stripped, clad in only an over burdened codpiece made from the hide of an african lion. A warrior of the bloodline of Sundiata Keita, Shaka Zulu and Kunta Kinte. Didier "Le Grand Papa Noir" Drogba pimps Serie A like a philadelphian prostitute...