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  1. abstract

    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    ohh okay :D
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    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

  3. abstract

    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    He has 2 mil followers on twitter.In comparison we have 1.,2
  4. abstract

    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    Don't be surprised if you see him next season playing on the wing in 4 3 3 formation.I think he will play exactly there.
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    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    Why the risk ?
  6. abstract

    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    You don't need a buy back clause to sell a player who scores 20,30,40,50 goals in a season. We gain absolutely nothing from that crap(except looking like a feeder club) Imagine if he scores 25 goals next season and the clause is 30 mil (doubt it will be higher.) and now tell me you won't be mad...
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    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    ofc it's a win win situation for real.
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    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    I would love to see him here but these numbers thrown around by the media are too high.Everything over 15 mil is too much imo.Let's not forget he has 1 year left in his contract.
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    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    It will be embarrassing if we accept this buy back clause in the contract.Absolutely not acceptable for a big,well-known,history rich club like Juventus.Our reputation will go down for sure.
  10. abstract

    Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid

    Buy back clause ? Are we now Real Madrid's feeder club ? A deal with a buy back clause would be embarrassing for a club like Juve.