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  1. [CL] JUVENTUS 2-2 Galatasaray (October 2, 2013)

    only androids or cyborgs can play sole wing backs on their respective sides on today football at top teams.
  2. [CL] JUVENTUS 2-2 Galatasaray (October 2, 2013)

    should've played quaq or llorente from the start. why the fuck was litch subbed out? :sergio: now what is the excuse? 3-5-2 has hit the wall since last season.
  3. [CL] JUVENTUS 2-2 Galatasaray (October 2, 2013)

    guys here make it sound like a supposedly top teams work rate is very moody like some teenage girl on her periodic time, what I'm trying to say was, does anyone here believe that barca players never got bored and lacking motivation so much that their play style over time is like some roller...
  4. [CL] JUVENTUS 2-2 Galatasaray (October 2, 2013)

    you guys still believe it's about attitude? how did barca maintained their play style for years, were they all robots programmed for tiki taka?
  5. [CL] JUVENTUS 2-2 Galatasaray (October 2, 2013)

    grinta? no other top eruopean team has it, right? yet we lost 5 finals... fuck the grinta, get something more realistic; I hope we play as we should and destroy these turkish kebabs... 3-0 from 3 melo own goals, 5 of their players got sent off.