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  1. Ocelot

    [GER] Bundesliga 2013/2014

    I hate them guts, but congrats, it was deserved to say the least.
  2. Ocelot

    [GER] Bundesliga 2013/2014

    So if I rob a bank of 27 million (without any violence against humans nor substantial damage caused to the infrustructure), and admitted it afterwards I should not go to jail? Tax evasion is ruining countries, it deserves to be punshed.
  3. Ocelot

    [GER] Bundesliga 2013/2014

    Ribery is better than Iniesta, and Götze can come really close to Messi.
  4. Ocelot

    [GER] Bundesliga 2013/2014

    Scho oarg irgendwie ;) @Trequartista, I can recommend Kicker and Süddeutsche Zeitung, the latter one is one of the highest quality newspapers in general in my opinion, and their football sections isn't bad either.
  5. Ocelot

    [GER] Bundesliga 2013/2014

    Bundesliga is slowly but surely on its way to become another la Liga.