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  1. [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Look, a concentrated bonucci is better then any english defender bar Kompany. Remember euro 2012 ? Best defender of the tournament. What the actual issue is ? He needs Barzagli, plain and simple. When Bonucci-Chiellini was our defence, both were bad. When...
  2. [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Bonucci is still better then allmost any defender in the english league. Considering united's wingers, that long ball counter ability via bonucci would do wonders for them. So how about fuck no, WE DONT SUPPORT FUCKING BRITTISH TEAMS
  3. [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Jeremy should punch him again for beeing a disgustig twat
  4. [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    My girlfriends a ginger. We plan to visit ireland and scotland somewere in the next 5 years
  5. [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Girls because of the shops, guys because they have to come along. No other reason really. Cultural value is limited compared to other country's, climate is dreadfull, city itself is ugly, and the women look the worst from all of europe. Scotland is such a better destination
  6. [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    "Welcome to liverpool" would be the most used comment on youtube, if it isnt allready
  7. [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Hey, that first quote is something i never said ! I'm not humble on internet Liverpool, disgusting team Took away Belgium's shot in the 70ties to win a europacup 1. Killed juventus fans. Have annoying fans. Overrated stadium
  8. [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    How can people even look at premier league. Its terrible