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  1. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Only the older fans would genuinely think that. Younger foreign fans no longer perceive Liverpool as a threat as much as city.
  2. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Mourinho is a genius. Somehow he makes his teams so disciplined and organized that they can play a very defensive approach consistently against great attacking teams and not concede any brain farts. His teams are the hardest to beat no matter how weak or tired the squad is. I really hope that...
  3. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    So you are arguing that more attacking football is the only way to win against great tough opposition or are you arguing that its impossible to win with 3 CBs and WBs?
  4. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    How can Juve win with defensive wingers and 3 CBs?
  5. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Hows life treating you old friend?
  6. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    :lol: man that Arsene Wenger is such a terrible coach. I used to laugh at Arsenal now this is just sad. I'd really like them to win something for a change. These fans have suffered enough.
  7. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Martin comes back from the dead
  8. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    anyone watching arsenal?
  9. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Arsenal drew :lol: Arsenal are the EPL and Europe's biggest joke. They are wealthy and spend big on wages but market themselves as poor. They have had an incompetent coach for a decade now and they market him as a genius. They have a few good players that they market as world class (Wilshere...
  10. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    I completely disagree. Ozil is not just an over-rated good player. He has excellent vision, dribbling, pace and excellent passing. Easily one of the world's best assisters in the game and he is still very young. His only weakness is his stamina. In the CAM position, Ozil and David Silva are the...
  11. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Yes. Suarez is more consistent than Messi and Ronaldo.
  12. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Manu concede from a silly freekick. The wall and De gea both fucked up. An English player scored though so I wont be surprised if I see the media call it a GREAT AND SPECTACULAR FREEKICK!
  13. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Aguero isnt a top 5 player by any means. He is really good though and definitely world class but he isn't consistent enough. Van persie and Suarez are definitely superior to him and arguably Rooney too. Ibra, Cavani and Falcao are 3 players better than him in Ligue 1. In spain you have Ronaldo...
  14. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    I doubt he is the best since Inzaghi but yeah he is very very good at poaching.
  15. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Is there enough of these blunders across his career that warrant calling it a weakness?
  16. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Pellegrini is a horrible coach. A step down from Mancini who is a good (but not great) coach. Chelsea is the only team that took a step forward with signing Mourinho even if Rafa was doing a good job. Barca, PSG, UTD, City all hired weak coaches.
  17. Hist

    [ENG] Premier League 2013/2014

    Arsenal arent as poor and cash stripped as they are made out to be. Look up the salaries they pay there for really mediocre players and you'll notice that they spend a lot of money on salaries.