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  1. [Champions League] Bayern München vs JUVENTUS (April 2, 2013)

    I know you might instantly disagree with everything I'll write because of my username (as seen in some of your comments). I don't mean to sound disrespectful but you guys made it easy for us except for the first 15 minutes. All in all, except for some misses, everything went our way last night...
  2. [Champions League] Bayern München vs JUVENTUS (April 2, 2013)

    Yeah... just watched France-Spain :). But some of his goals that I saw were nice :)
  3. [Champions League] Bayern München vs JUVENTUS (April 2, 2013)

    Has Matri-Quagliarella combo been used often this season? How are they getting along?
  4. [Champions League] Bayern München vs JUVENTUS (April 2, 2013)

    If I were you I'd also worry a little bit about our bench: Starke, Robben, Shaqiri, Pizarro, Boateng, Gomez and Tymoshchuk.
  5. [Champions League] Bayern München vs JUVENTUS (April 2, 2013)

    DvB starting is somewhat a surprise because he didn't play vs Hamburg. But believe it or not he had great games this season including CL when he started. His positioning has been especially great. Robben on the bench is what most Bayern fans expected. He did well vs Hamburg but he tends to get...
  6. [Champions League] Bayern München vs JUVENTUS (April 2, 2013)

    Thanks guys for the welcome. ^This is Bayern's formation, --------Mandzukic RIbery---Kroos----Muller --Schweini----Gustavo Alaba-Dante-DvB-Lahm Good to see DvB starting he's got great headers.
  7. [Champions League] Bayern München vs JUVENTUS (April 2, 2013)

    Hello Juventus fans! Stay calm, I come in peace :). Thought I'd share some views with fellow football fans. I've been a Bayern fan for many years and while I acknowledge the fact that we have a beast of a team right now, I will admit that I would have preferred to face Madrid or Dortmund, you...