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  1. Gep

    [Serie A] JUVENTUS 4-0 Udinese (January 19, 2013)

    Only thing that worried me bout last nights game was the frustrated faces on our players faces when a miss placed pass or wrong decision was made. They at times were moaning at one another. Something we haven't been used to.
  2. Gep

    [Serie A] JUVENTUS 4-0 Udinese (January 19, 2013)

    :troll::derp::milkrageface::awyeah::dino::yuno::foreveralone::notbad::trolldad::challenge::trollol::chan::epicwin::okay::fap::closeenough::megusta::yao: Forza Juve!! Form goes out the window. Just hit the facking target tonight 3-0 win.