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  1. Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    No to Balotelli. He's an ass and an average player, if that.
  2. Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    Google "suarez salary" Literally first link. Even gogle tells you his salary directly on the search page, you dont even have to click a link.
  3. Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    What? no. 120 k GBP per week.
  4. Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    Yeah, he signed an extension with a bigger salary.
  5. Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    Borrowing money makes sense when you're making profit so that you can afford the extra expense. Not so much when you're making losses, unless you are sure that the new investment will be able to create so much new valua that it will be able to take you out of losses. no football club or player...
  6. Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    Yep, best solution.
  7. Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    we're good with cbs.
  8. Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    dominate? not only is he an ass, he's not even that good. what has he done the previous two years to make him special? one goal against germany?