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  1. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    The premier league would suit him better imo. Might be worth it on a free but i honestly don't think we really have room for him. He certainly wouldn't start, and seeing as we already have Caceres, if we were to sign a new CB it should be someone who is either capable of fulfilling Bonucci's...
  2. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    :lol: Balotelli to juve
  3. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    My bet would be Llorente
  4. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    Higuain would be sex :tuttosport:
  5. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    I can't imagine what Berlusconi must be thinking to even consider this. Balotelli's talent will probably pay off in the short term but if this is really his "Mr. X" signing, to make up for all the cutbacks, and put some kind of longterm faith in than he's fucking lost it. I'm pretty confident...
  6. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    Some bs but it would be hilarious if they spent big on Balotelli and tried to present him as some kind of savior.
  7. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    Sold. Like throwing $ at the problem has ever fixed Inter. Clown probably won't even be here by then.
  8. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    I keep thinking moments like this are going to ruin it, clue someone in, and i'm surprised everytime.
  9. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    Much as I dislike Osvaldo he has proven me wrong first in Spain and now at Roma. He isn't our champion FW signing but he scores goals, more regularly than any of our FWs, and sometimes from some pretty unconventional situations too. On the negative side he seems like he is probably a...
  10. X Æ A-12

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2012-13) Part 2

    I like Quag infinitely more as an individual but it would be for the good of the team. I say do it.