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  1. [Serie A] JUVENTUS 1-2 Sampdoria (January 6, 2013)

    we didn't play bad. that was our standard performance, that's what's you see in a match when one team park the bus, barca-chelsea comes to mind. we lost because of individual errors (buffon and peluso) and conte underestimated the opponent or rather overestimate his former player (peluso)...
  2. [Serie A] JUVENTUS 1-2 Sampdoria (January 6, 2013)

    some days your players just fucked you up despite you made no mistake tactically. peluso and buffon (unfortunately) are the scape goats
  3. [Serie A] JUVENTUS 1-2 Sampdoria (January 6, 2013)

    eh ferrara is no longer in samp? what happened?