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  1. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    We (Celtic) play more of a 4-4-1-1 than a 442 when we use it (which is in tough European games). We do use 3412 but only against weaker sides... can't imagine it will make an appearance in this tie. Commons will probably be between the midfield and Hooper. Bit of a pity Sammy isn't starting...
  2. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    Like everything else about Samaras... sometimes. He's one of those guys who can be awful but is always excellent in big games. On form he's probably best in that position, good on the counter attack and with his height and unpredictability (partly because he doesn't know what he's doing half...
  3. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    Not sure why there are predictions Celtic will play a flat 442. We don't really use that system. 451 or 4411 is more likely with Samaras on the left. We frequently use 433 and 3412 when going on the attack, but obviously we'll be 100 times more cautious tonight.
  4. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    A bit of both - he's the kind of player you get the most out of by building a side around (funnily enough, a bit like Pirlo), and we didn't. He didn't always impose himself on games in the way we would have liked, either, and had a bit of a tendency to make horrendous mistakes, play in a...