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  1. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    Nerves have just kicked in, going a bit mad here. And ITV in all its glory is showing emmerdale until 7.30, not build up
  2. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    It's on ITV in UK on Tuesday, so will be a good lot of people see us. Couldn't find a ticket for under 150 so instead I get to listen to Lee Dixon, hurray.
  3. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    In my view Celtic usually get's lumped in as a British team for Champions League commentary in the UK. Games between Celtic and United have been called the 'Battle of Britain' a good few times. They may ridicule you the rest of the time, but come Champions league games, the Sky/ITV commentators...
  4. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    We seem to have gotten much better at beating teams who just load their own box this season. Last year it would have been much harder, but someone like Drogba would definitely help here.
  5. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    Check my location - I know exactly how you feel.
  6. [Champions League] Celtic 0-3 JUVENTUS (February 12, 2013)

    Wondering this too for the game in Glasgow. I'd love to go over in the away end.