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  1. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    even now look at the characters in the show, and Carroll is the most developed. compare her from season 1 and 2 to now, and she is awesome. the rest suck ass. even daryl's dvelopment has been halted. the gay guy that goes out recruiting has more charisma and emotion than the rest of rick's...
  2. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    dont forgot Coral being an annoying cockroach. shane was cool. rick was alright. and meryl was not bad i guess. daryl is a no brainer. the rest were either bad, or despicable. how u gon create a post apocalupse cast that's unlikable and want crowd to want them care about their lives?
  3. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    rv guy was worse. "oh no andrea i cant watch u commit suicide.....before i bang u that is" creepy ass dude. then again cant fault a guy for being thirsty. hard to get any when everyone on dat dead time
  4. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    worst set of characters for sure. the wife. the andrea and sister. the creepy rv guy who cant mind his own business. only shane was cool
  5. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    sure it wasnt great but let's be real here. if it was kubrick or speilberg who directed it eveyrone here would be creaming themselves about how unconventional and edgy the directing was. mike drop on the floor.jpg
  6. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

  7. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    wow. atleast Coral shot shane and his mom. Coral is not such a wimp after all
  8. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    i would be fabulous.
  9. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    :lol: yeah what's with hi suddenly knowing martial arts? also didnt he have a son? i remember first episode ever he had a little shithead son. he's a British guy trying to pull a southern accent. but yeah....though that's the least of the shows problems. funny enough they are doing a prequel...
  10. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    k brah. let's make up stuff to criticize.
  11. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    black preist probably will join them
  12. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    i think it was implied that the girl tied to the tree wasnt a zombie, but i could be wrong
  13. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    another boring episode with only 5 minutes worth of plot
  14. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    yeah that came out og nowhere. why coudn't it have been the preacher instead? speaking of the preacher what an ungrateful shit. even after they saved his life countless times
  15. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    wow thy killed carol after 5 seasons. about time
  16. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    it seems to be a common theme. they actually had an interesting angle with the whole go to wahsington for a cure, but then shat all over that. eventually people are going to lose interest because the plot it about what could go wrong. and they already pulled the cannibals card. if they get...
  17. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    so how long before something goes wrong. they already implied that hot blonde's husband is going to be the cause of that
  18. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    no. read the comics instead. much better
  19. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    this sums up the walking dead in a nut shell: "hurr durr we wants to take yous prizon to live in!!!!" "hurr durr bomb da prizon and make it unlivable" u wot?
  20. Lion

    The Walking Dead!

    people still watch this show? it's so horrible now. y'all need to hop on dat Hannibal time