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  1. X Æ A-12

    Live Mercato Meltdown - 2012/13 (pants filled in 3,2...)

    At least it's only a loan. Probably means we plan to try again in january :xfinger:
  2. X Æ A-12

    Live Mercato Meltdown - 2012/13 (pants filled in 3,2...)

    So Jovetic or Dzeko has become Borriello or Bendter? fuck this, just keep what we have and wait until january to try again. I'm going to be so pissed if i come home today to find that fucking Borriello is the top FW we waited all summer for.
  3. X Æ A-12

    Live Mercato Meltdown - 2012/13 (pants filled in 3,2...)

    No, not at all. But he quoted a few memorable lines.
  4. X Æ A-12

    Live Mercato Meltdown - 2012/13 (pants filled in 3,2...)

    Nice name change :tup: Oh and I've met the dude in your avatar. I got to sit and talk with him. :stuckup: