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  1. DVS

    Live Mercato Meltdown - 2012/13 (pants filled in 3,2...)

    well at least Juve dodged a bullet getting Borigol back
  2. DVS

    Live Mercato Meltdown - 2012/13 (pants filled in 3,2...)

    Boriello to Genoa
  3. DVS

    Live Mercato Meltdown - 2012/13 (pants filled in 3,2...)

    Ziegler is already at Fenerbache. Juve recieved 600 000 and Fener will pay his salary
  4. DVS

    Live Mercato Meltdown - 2012/13 (pants filled in 3,2...)

    problably also play with a 3 man backline as well but I do think Inglip was bang on with comparing transfer years. Beppe made virtually the same moves