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  1. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    Fiorentina is a possibility next season if they get that 3rd spot and keep their players.
  2. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    Good work Gala. Seems like they didn't give up after 2 goals down.
  3. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    Haha the ref in the Madrid game is certainly in someone's pocket.
  4. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    Are we even in for Isco? I'd rather him than a wasted chase on a SS.
  5. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    Is that really Dortmund's insignia lol. Not big on artists in those parts.
  6. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    wtf was that!
  7. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    I used to love those British commentators back then. Before they got all cynical and nationalistic.
  8. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    Perfect draw - make it count boys.
  9. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    Haha what did you expect. RDM is just a BFF filling in because no big name coaches are available. As soon as it went bad, he was gone.
  10. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    It's all about the coaching. Italian players are as good as ever but only Prandelli knows wtf is going on in football. Milan made Malaga look like Barca and we did the same with Shaktar. All these bx2bx players and one-dimensional defenders aren't worth s**t. Prandelli says copy Spain, gets an...
  11. deggen10

    [CL] Champions League 2012/13

    I'd like an EPL team to see if we can match their tempo or at least adjust to it. Or any team that will push us back for periods so we can see if we have any counter-attack abilities. Hopefully Gio will shine in that situation.