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  1. A_LAcki

    Edinson Cavani - ST - PSG

    True, but once again, he hasn't scored against a top calss team on a regular basis. I follow Bundesliga a lot, and there he has an insane number of goals scored against minor teams, but struggles against big teams with good defences. Same in CL!
  2. A_LAcki

    Edinson Cavani - ST - PSG

    Cmon bro, it wasn't an insult! Trez didn't do much in the build up play, he just was the best finisher on EARTH!
  3. A_LAcki

    Edinson Cavani - ST - PSG

    Gomez is a Trezeguet - The team he is in, actually plays with 10 men, but he scores with every 2nd touch he gets. Sometimes, he doesn't really have more. What makes him worse then many other top class finishers is, that he REALLY struggles against big clubs and top defenders!!