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  1. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    A potential 4 year ban awaits. Whatever the decision, his career has ended.
  2. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    The gist of the latest reports are that the injury is likely to flare up with a regularity that would reduce his playing time to unacceptable short periods.
  3. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    Multiple reports stating the obvious. POGBA IS FINISHED. The injury is extremely serious.
  4. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    The bid has landed. OUCH Prepare for the worst
  5. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    The only paper in the UK screaming headlines that Mourinho is going for Pogba is the no-mark Daily Star. They contend Moaninho is set to spend £100,000,000 (€122,000,000) for John Stones £30m (€38m) and Paul Pogba £70m (€82m). It's highly likely that other papers will pick up on this in the...
  6. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba Given the events over the last few days, I presume that I can take this report with a pinch of salt?
  7. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    You are probably right about the €89m being insufficient. Not too sure about his desire to play for them though. You may be correct though.
  8. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    Sunday Mirror piles in with a story that a bid is in the Juve inbox from Manchester City for €89m.(£71.5m) Considered by some in the UK to be one of the more reliable sources of credible transfer 'journalism', there is a whiff of something in this one being accurate. It's the sort of bid that...
  9. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    Whilst L'Equipe are reporting that PSG are free of FFP restrictions, looking at the following text released from UEFA, it looks like Manchester City are still under restriction. Read Section 3. ----------------------- 2 A licensee that demonstrates it has relevant income and relevant expenses...
  10. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba I do NOT want to play again for Manchester United. It's either Real Madrid or Barcelona if and when I leave Juventus.........
  11. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    In addition to Barcelona, Chelsea, Manchester City, Real Madrid, Manchester United and PSG, here comes another big hitter...
  12. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    PSG offer expected soon ...........circa €55m. Would you accept? PS. PSG utterly unbothered with FFP limitations apparently
  13. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    Manchester United boss David Moyes has held talks with Juventus over a planned double move for 20-year-old Paul Pogba - who left Old Trafford 18 months ago - and fellow midfielder Arturo Vidal, 26. BBC The Daily Mail football hacks are United-centric to a degree that renders them without any...
  14. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    This is quite a difficult proposition. Trying to weigh up a matrix of probabilities based on projected sale values, potential improvements of skill sets in the medium term and even trying to set a valuation now - never mind the future - is a very tricky calculation to have to make. Looking at...
  15. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    Arse-anal desperate now as fans impatience intensifies. No less than 9 of their players are on the treatment table. The match tonight in Turkey could be a disaster. I hope they get soundly beaten.
  16. Luftwaffles

    Paul Pogba

    As has been mentioned, Pogba looks particularly unruffled in possession. Like Pirlo though, his accurate passing needs to be rewarded by good ball control by the recipient of his passes and visionary movement to make him appear as good as his undoubted potential is. According to numerous...