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  1. Paul Pogba

    4 years? What did he takes a uranium for nuclear bomb ?
  2. Paul Pogba

    He better prepare good and be for the summer camp.
  3. Paul Pogba

    This weekend.
  4. Paul Pogba

    "Free agent" with 20 million commisions and 15m salary.:lol:
  5. Paul Pogba

    Wasted his career in that swamp.
  6. Paul Pogba

    Pogba and Dybala on bosman, luul
  7. Paul Pogba

    Take him for free again.:tuttosport:
  8. Paul Pogba

    He wasted his best years in that shitty club.
  9. Paul Pogba

    Well played against Spain.
  10. Paul Pogba

    Lol 4 assists
  11. Paul Pogba

    Get him next year on bosman again.:spliff:
  12. Paul Pogba

    Great first half against Germany
  13. Paul Pogba

    Well played vs Milan.
  14. Paul Pogba

    Wait another year and get him on free again.
  15. Paul Pogba

    no chance
  16. Paul Pogba

    Lol renewing with that dumb club to battle in EL.
  17. Paul Pogba

    We are hoping for white smoke or what ?