Search results

  1. Sheik Yerbouti

    Batman: Arkham City

    For all those who play open-world, sandbox-type games, do you aim to finish all the side missions before finishing the main story or do you keep it for later?
  2. Sheik Yerbouti

    Batman: Arkham City

    Finished the main story. Underwhelming IMO. I expected a longer one with an epic-er ending.
  3. Sheik Yerbouti

    Batman: Arkham City

    I just played this got 8 hours straight. Amazing game!
  4. Sheik Yerbouti

    Batman: Arkham City

    No takers?
  5. Sheik Yerbouti

    Batman: Arkham City

    How isn't there a thread for this game? Comes out tomorrow in teh US. One of games I'm looking forward to the most this year.