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  1. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    As Conte's system is becoming more apparent, it seems as though Giacch and Pepe are the most suitable wingers due to their amazing work-rate. Krasic is one of the laziest wingers going round.
  2. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Pirlo to maul Aquisofty
  3. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Still infuriated we didn't win this. It even makes the Bolonga result a lot worse. Against them we had the red card excuse. Here we had nothing - I thought we were outplayed for periods of the game. We cannot handle a quick team at all. Even some of their players seemed to have better ball...
  4. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    So did DP if he knew how to head. Or Chiellini if he knew how to defend.
  5. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    I don't agree that Elia had a bad game - he was decent in an ordinary first half team performance
  6. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    I am still shocked at how easily Catania consistently pulled our pants down on the counters
  7. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    We beat Milan and Inter last season and still failed down to 7th - it's our inability to beat small teams that ills us every year
  8. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Gotta wake up early as well - FREAKING RUBBISH PERFORMANCES make your sleep even worse.
  9. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    I can't believe how badly we got raped on the counters
  10. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Conte's subs were hopeless Bringing on Pepe for Elia was stupidity - Krasic should have gone off. I don't care if Krasic scored the fact of the matter is the blond one trick pony bimbo loses the ball every time he gets it. He then brought on DP fo Matri as a single striker. Are you kidding...
  11. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    The ease at which he holds possession is unbelievable. Makes opposing CM's look like amateurs
  12. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    lol lame You have no idea
  13. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    We won't know until 1 hr before kickoff
  14. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Outdated - at one time the Romans supported homos - they're pretty old meaning your ideas are pretty outdated
  15. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Juventus 1-0 in this one
  16. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Don't you wish :) many civilisations in the past have supported homosexuality so don't think to yourself you're some enlightened modernist :)
  17. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Supporting twisted sexual acts is not being open minded ;)
  18. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    I wouldn't care less either way ;)
  19. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    * Sorry pro-homo - I think you got me confused with cronios
  20. [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Every Juve coach wouldn't dare bench Marchisio - they always find a way to keep him in the 11