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  1. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Pepe has also played the most minutes out of any of our wingers
  2. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    I saw they gave Chiellini a 6 and said he had an otherwise solid game? :lol: Absolutely no fucking clue. They really should just give up.
  3. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Watch Catania lose to Novara next week. Fucking hell, I hate these fucking provincial teams. We used to thrash these teams without raising a sweat, now they are fucking our seasons over. And to make matters worse, we play Chievo on the 16th and get to go up against our good mate Pellissier...
  4. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    It just shits me how we give the players from teams like Catania and Bologna so much respect and fear them as if they are all Messi's and C Ronaldos In the 2nd half, I lost count of the amount of times they just ran past/through our back four like they werent even there. We desperately need a...
  5. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Fucking disgusting match. Same problems as last year. Our defence once again, is a fucking mess. Had it been a better team than Catania we'd have lost this one easily. Actually come to think of it, we'll prob beat Milan next week and then lose or draw with Chievo next round. Same choking...
  6. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Almiron is starting for them
  7. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    I wanna see some Q-Tube and DP action in second half if all goes well... Lets hope for a win here boys. Gameday!!!!!!
  8. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    I wanna see some Q-Tube and DP action in second half if all goes well... Lets hope for a win here boys. Gameday!!!!!!
  9. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Just saw the formation now. Love it. Forza Juve, farken!
  10. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    I think we can survive with Pirlo in a midfield two against the smaller "provincial" teams (esp if they also play 4-4-2). When we play bigger teams with better midfielders who can mark Pirlo out of a game, I think we should play with a 4-3-3 to afford him more protection.
  11. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    LOL yeah wish we got Juve all the time at afternoon or in prime time at night. Ah well, we are all used to it.
  12. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    For the Aussies with Foxtel/RAI this game is on at 11PM :)
  13. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Possibly, but in fairness to the man he along with Krasic, were by far our best players last season until that point. I was not shocked at all by Quag's performances, I've always thought of him to be a good, solid and underated player.
  14. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Yeah I think you're underrating him a touch, Red.
  15. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Probably not. I reckon they'll show the Lazio V Palermo game instead. You never know though, so just tune in at 11PM and try your luck.
  16. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    From what I've read they say Quaglia could start. Elia will prob come on 2nd half.
  17. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Gazzetta and CdS both saying that Quags and Elia will feature in the game against Catania. About fookin' time.
  18. Bianconero_Aus

    [Serie A] Catania 1-1 JUVENTUS (25th September, 2011)

    Yep. What a cunt of a game that was.