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  1. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    The great Paul ever:
  2. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    Do you mean shim:
  3. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    Wasn't Paul, aka saint, homosexual?
  4. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    Alexander the Great **** *Macedonian Ruler, 300 B.C. *Socrates **** *Greek Philosopher, 400 B.C. *Sappho **** *Greek Woman Poet, 600 B.C. *Hadrian **** *Roman Emperor, 1st-2nd c. *Richard the Lionhearted **** *English King, 12th c. *Saladin **** *Sultan of Egypt and Syria *Desiderius Erasmus...
  5. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following. There would be: 57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south 8 Africans...
  6. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    I didn't, but I do find your views sad, it pains me to genuinely write.
  7. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    I would as I think that children should be protected against exploitation and abuse. let them be children for god's sake and let's not sexualise them at too young an age. That goes for both extremes.
  8. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    Their are so many here who give religion a bad image of ignorance and intolerance coupled with hate and supremacy. No wonder so many are turning their back on god.
  9. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

  10. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    To think I once thought you had intelligence, how wrong was I. As you bring nothing to debate-except mastibate insults- I'll choose to ignore your childish posts.
  11. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    How ridiculous you make yourself look: It is not about political correctness but humanity getting better and more tolerant and loving. I believe the world is getting wiser and in a hundred years people like you will be the minority not the majority.
  12. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    You have wisdom, and that makes you a great dad.
  13. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    You share your subjective fears as having scientific validity, and you insult like a 10 year old. Old chap, you have really messed with your mind. Quite sad really to see.
  14. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    You use language like a teenager and have views like a true blue conservative. HeeHaw
  15. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

  16. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    I was never quite sure but always suspected you were a fool and pretentious ass, now I know it to be true.
  17. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    Strange that so many homophobes are here on this site: Yet they have posters on their wall of their favourite players and watch men running around a field in shorts, and get aroused when they score a goal. Makes you wonder why they are so vociferous in their condemnation of other...
  18. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    As you are a red bloody hetrosexual male, what qualities would you bring to nurturing a child?
  19. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    You might have turned out to be a more rounded and decent human-being if you had been.
  20. bianconero

    Gay Adoption

    Again that was not aimed at you. I know a little girl of two women parents- very good friends- and she is a delightful, bright and happy child.