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  1. Gay Adoption

    So if you have a gay neighbour who wants to adopt, but cant, while you can and believe that he shouldnt, you are not loving him as yourself? Because you obviously want the possibility for yourself to adopt (maybe not specifically but as a rule), while not him.
  2. Gay Adoption

    Good that the author fixed it in the second edition, perhaps due to the poor reception among the targeted audience. Probably had a good publisher that suggested it.
  3. Gay Adoption

    Those are other issues like the way your political parties work (which are almost the same) and who does what and which party is called liberal and which is called conservative. However, you have the definition of conservative. Somebody that radically changed the society can not, BY...
  4. Gay Adoption

    So let me get this straight... you've been arguing for 80 pages that gays should not adopt... yet you are for gay adoption? :shifty: And plenty of good, rational arguments have been made without any name calling, but it all ends up in the same way from the other side: comparations with...
  5. Gay Adoption

    I do not know if you are talking bout politically conservative, republican/conservative political parties or what, but: lib·er·al/ˈlib(ə)rəl/ Adjective: Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. Therefore, somebldy that discarded traditional...
  6. Gay Adoption

    I actually do agree with you, I am arrogant in many ways. However, in this case my arrogance leads me to wish to give more rights and freedoms to people instead of discriminating against them, while your humbelness leads you to deny those same people rights and freedoms others enjoy. Now, which...
  7. Gay Adoption

    Maybe not idiots but certainly people who dont really think or care about others and are closeminded. Like I said, classic example of "first they came for the jews..." Easy to talk how somebody else shouldnt have some rights when you have all those rights... It's progressive, liberal people who...
  8. Gay Adoption

    Even if they are not, even if they "choose" to be, their choice occurs in nature, through natural processes of thinking (something many here do not actually do) and is, hence natural.
  9. Gay Adoption

    If it occurs in nature, regardless by choice or through genetics, it is, by definition, natural.
  10. Gay Adoption

    Everybody is a mutant... its the way we progress, through genetic mutations... its called evolution...
  11. Gay Adoption

    15 years old scientific evidence? And I also posted a study from 2008 that says otherwise.
  12. Gay Adoption

    Is it possible that they cant find pleasure with the opposite sex... because... they... are... gay??? :shifty:
  13. Gay Adoption

    I answered your questions, now its your turn: 1. If they are born heterosexual (i.e. attracted to the opposite sex), why exactly would they choose to be homosexual? 2. If they choose to be homosexual (i.e. they choose to be with the same sex instead of feeling an attraction that is caused by...
  14. Gay Adoption

    Rab, please answer my 3 questions.
  15. Gay Adoption

    And I agree, genetic or not it doesnt make a difference.
  16. Gay Adoption

    And Rab, you have still not answered my 3 questions. Intelligent way to run away rab without answering my questions.
  17. Gay Adoption

    A random article that took 2 seconds to find: Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors Published: Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 17:21 in Psychology & Sociology Homosexual behaviour is largely shaped by genetics and random environmental factors, according to findings from the...
  18. Gay Adoption

    Good to see you're keeping with the times.
  19. Gay Adoption

    You go Russia.
  20. Gay Adoption

    1. For procreation. However, not everythin in a human's life is done for procreation and different people are born with different genetical compositions and of different characteristics, so people can be born as exceptions to the rule. 2.So far there is quite strong evidence for it, yes. Now...