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  1. Zé Tahir

    Gay Adoption

    I don't believe it's a different issue because some here claimed that all a child needs is 'love, care, and affection' and based on personal observation that is just not true. But let me ask you this: suppose a heterosexual couple that is equally qualified to adopt as a homosexual couple in...
  2. Zé Tahir

    Gay Adoption

    You're not supposed to embrace the 'latter days', foo! :D
  3. Zé Tahir

    Gay Adoption

    I can't argue that it is more open here but I've lived there and here so I know from personal observation that these problems don't generally exist there but we can certainly have people on here chime in seeing as we got people from a lot of countries here. Actually I would argue that in the...
  4. Zé Tahir

    Gay Adoption

    Question: So let's for argument sake accept that an orphan is better off with a same sex couple than at an orphanage. So therefore there shouldn't be a problem for them to adopt. But how do you guys feel about same sex couples that get a friend/a person to their liking to carry a child for them...
  5. Zé Tahir

    Gay Adoption

    You can't say there are 'many' similar problems. That's an over statement and you know it. There are far fewer cases in the East as compared to the West, where these things almost seem to be the norm and generally accepted by society, because as you say there is a more emphasis on individuality...
  6. Zé Tahir

    Gay Adoption

    I didn't ignore anything, I wish you could read, dude. You went on a rant about how I should be accepting because of my background and I told you I don't care if gay adoption is legalized or not. I just don't buy the logic behind it as it's being presented here. Yeah, white americans, snow...
  7. Zé Tahir

    Gay Adoption

    I've made no hate speech. I don't care whether gay marriage is legalized or not. I'm entitled to my opinion and I shouldn't be labeled every time I don't conform to your way of thinking. That's some bizarre "superior" western conceited bullshit; where everything you think and say is the way it...
  8. Zé Tahir

    Gay Adoption

    It's funny the same people on here that are arguing for gay marriage come from a world that think that simply showing 'love, care and affection' is all that a kid needs. As if, your parenting techniques are proven to be so superior. The same kids that are raised this way still somehow...