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  1. Gay Adoption

    Last Word 1 - Sexuality is not predetermined, certain factors together at play cause it 2 - A Penis was made for a Vagina 3 - Heterosexual Marriage is Societies Natural Immune System 4 - Gays should never be allowed to adopt
  2. Gay Adoption

    You can if there's blood in the faeces which is a common occurance seeing as that an asshole does not secrete lubricant like a vagina does since it wasn't made for rooting
  3. Gay Adoption

    Getting shit/faeces on your penis is a cause of many STD's so that debunks the healthy gay marriage argument and besides fags rarely get married even where it's legal cause they're only interested in responsibility free roots. Heterosexual marriage is societies natural immune system
  4. Gay Adoption

    It's more because they get shit on their penis
  5. Gay Adoption

    I think if you were following my views would be quite apparent to you :) Look up the term "devils advocate"
  6. Gay Adoption

    Marriage protects from this ;)
  7. Gay Adoption

    roflmao - HIV run rife MAINLY DUE TO FAGGOTS
  8. Gay Adoption

    FK consent! the POOR OLD MAN was BORN that way WHY SHOULD HE BE OPPRESSED!
  9. Gay Adoption

    1 - It's not IN his ANUS you freak. It's close 2 - This question assumes sex is only about pleasure 2 - So if it's only about pleasure, all men should try being pounded up the ass
  10. Gay Adoption

    As such, Paedophiles should be free to root kids
  11. Gay Adoption

    I'm talking about sexuality. Being right or left handed does not break up families and spread HIV throughout society
  12. Gay Adoption

    G spot thing?
  13. Gay Adoption

    So Paedophilia is predetermined?
  14. Gay Adoption

    And if they still turn out to be cheap?
  15. Gay Adoption

    The majority of homos have hundreds of sexual partners, and the figure is around 90%. Believe it or not, I really don't give a dogs ass
  16. Gay Adoption

    Showing affection to another man is not necessarily gay, unless you're from the modern world
  17. Gay Adoption

    Again, typical atheist arrogant patronising attitude
  18. Gay Adoption

    We have a class clown!
  19. Gay Adoption

    No But sticking your penis up a shithole is
  20. Gay Adoption

    Over 90% of people are straight Thus being straight is normal Is that simple enough for you my friend :)