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  1. The Quazis

    Mirko Vučinić

    A little party there? :klin:
  2. The Quazis

    Mirko Vučinić

    Apparently we are taking EL seriously. It's easy to say "lets just buy a lwb" but there is a shortage of LBs/LWBs in the market. What's more, in order to sell Vucinic we would have to find a suitor, which wouldn't be an easy task considering he has reached 30 and barely played this season. Now...
  3. The Quazis

    Mirko Vučinić

    Dayum! What a choice! With Asa in the middle we have Peluso playing as a wingback (epic) or Pado on the pitch :touched:
  4. The Quazis

    Mirko Vučinić

    Damn, I'm tired of this refreshing shit...
  5. The Quazis

    Mirko Vučinić

    I don't know what to think about this deal. On one hand, Guarin is an interesting player, we need more depth in order to avoid seeing Padoin coming on of the bench but from the other hand Mirko is a very skillful player and the only worthy replacement for Carlitos. Consequently, I don't care...
  6. The Quazis

    Mirko Vučinić

    Precious time spent discussing with JuveSardu :touched: