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  1. Scottish

    Mirko Vučinić

    I remember this and MERRY CRIZMUZ really clearly 1696947647 Ooooof and this goal no mamessss
  2. Scottish

    Mirko Vučinić

    Wow, what a different team we look now.
  3. Scottish

    Mirko Vučinić

    I'll miss Mirko. His performances fluctuated so much - based on god knows what - but what a player on his day! Thanks for the goals, the MERRY CRIZMUZ and for leaving when it became obvious your time here was up.
  4. Scottish

    Mirko Vučinić

    Thought Vucinic was completely shit in this game. My brother who was watching the game with me didn't even realise he was playing until I complained about him doing (or not doing) something or other. Step it up, Mirko! I know you've got it in you! :tup: