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  1. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    No. And if you keep reporting posts at your current rate, when there is nothing wrong with the vast majority of the posts you report, I'm going start giving you infractions for being a pain in the arse.
  2. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    None of them are slow by centre-half standards, but obviously they (as most centre-halves do) spend the vast majority of their time playing against people who are quicker than them. I'd say Bonucci is the worst one at dealing with pace because of how slow he is at turning. He just seemed to...
  3. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Sorensen isn't good enough (yet?). I think a key reason for the Ogbonna deal is that he is technically good enough to take Bonucci's role and allow him to be rested. None of the other defenders who have been spoken about have the technical ability to play that role.
  4. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    For the 12m going up to 15m that is being spoken about, that is probably more than he is worth to Juve right now, since he is a backup who they hope will develop into a starter. If Milan, who badly need a starting centre-half, paid that much for him, I don't think I would say they overpaid for...
  5. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    I guess his transfer is being treated as a separate thing. Juve buy Ogbonna for whatever figure. Torino buy Juve's half of Immobile for 3-4m.
  6. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    I love how angry people seem to get at other clubs for negotiating.
  7. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    It'd be a problem for someone like Chiellini because he can barely kick a ball properly with his left foot, never mind his right.
  8. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    I've never understood why people have no issue with playing a right-footer on the left, but baulk at the idea of a left-footer on the right. I was shot down when I suggested a left-footed partner (can't remember who now) for Chiellini years ago.
  9. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    The change I was talking about happened after they scored their first goal. The did go to five at the back for the last ten or fifteen minutes or so.
  10. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    It started something like: Muslera Godin--Lugano--Caceres Pereira----Gonzalez--Rios----Rodriguez Suarez------------Forlan Cavani but after they scored they changed to something more like: Muslera Pereira-Lugano-Godin-Caceres Gonzalez--Rios--Rodriguez...
  11. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Are you questioning whether he is a good player or whether Juve need another centre-back?
  12. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Don't think that's linked to Ogbonna joining Juve.
  13. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Will Juve fans drop the 'no such thing as a black Italian' chant if Ogbonna is signed?
  14. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

  15. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    That's fine - I've no problem disagreeing with Italian journalists. Rodriguez was horrible whenever I saw him, so goodness knows how he got such a high rating.
  16. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Regardless of whether Ogbonna is better than Caceres, just having Caceres as a backup for the three starting centre-halves isn't enough.
  17. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

  18. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Maybe they'll sign Acerbi again. :D
  19. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Ah, the wonders of the mercato. Juve will sign Ogbonna and Milan will sign Tevez.
  20. Red

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Surely that should be: Torino want a good left back but would accept Paolo De Ceglie...