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  1. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Its 12 mil+ 3 depending on bonus. And we are selling Immobile on a separate deal. I do not rate him, but 15 mil for a defender in an inflated market we are isn't as bad as Andy Carroll transfer to Liverpoool.
  2. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Im in the same position, never seen enough of Ogbonna to judge him. I am fickled with this defender as he doesnt get into the NT and being displaced by Astori is something to be concern.
  3. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    What I meant top 10 in the world under 25? Something to get all of us excited, is he that good.
  4. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Where would you rate him among the best in the world at his age? Top 10 in the world?
  5. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Is this guy worth the hype and the valuation? Do you guys see him as a replacement or a permanent bench candidate?
  6. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Benfica moving in for Doria. Another young talent lost in our pursuit for Italian players. Can imagine Doria will be another James Rodriguez case.
  7. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    We did sell Immobile half at 5 million a year ago when he haven't got any Serie A experience and yeah Ziegler would be around 3 million to be honest. So the valuation is justified.
  8. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    That would make the deal at 20million. Something what Torino was asking for . Surprise Marotta would include 10 m in cash here. I was expecting something lower than that. Is he really worth that much for so called backup position. Are the price inflated due to other clubs interest? I don't know.
  9. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    I think he is over rated. He is not even chosen as a backup for Italy NT.
  10. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    Ogbonna , if we do sign him who in our D will Conte drop. Bon Bon ?
  11. AOD4

    Angelo Ogbonna - CB - Torino

    We are not going to get an unproven defender unless Conte is certain he is going to be starting next to Chielini. No point paying for any 3rd/4th choice defender when they would be using those money for other positions. Can't see this transfer happening.