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  1. Paid-off-Ref

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    He is a legend, no doubt. Does anyone remember the sh!t fullbacks we had for years before he got here?
  2. Paid-off-Ref

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Not a starter anymore?
  3. Paid-off-Ref

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    For someone who plays on the wing he certainly has problems keeping the ball on field. If he gets a difficult pass it almost certainly goes out.
  4. Paid-off-Ref

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

  5. Paid-off-Ref

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    He's already a legend.
  6. Paid-off-Ref

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Cool, maybe it can teach him how to burn passed his man.
  7. Paid-off-Ref

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Is it because he played at Lazio?