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  1. Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Name our one right or left back who can play serious football except Sandro.
  2. Stephan Lichtsteiner

    He is guilty one. Max is responsible. I still cant believe he have one serious back Sandro in our whole roster. In that circumstances to me is impossible to blame Max who works with one almost empty position in our squad.
  3. Stephan Lichtsteiner

  4. Stephan Lichtsteiner

    352 is from start when Allegri used to respect Conte formation. I think we are done with that.
  5. Stephan Lichtsteiner

    With who you would replace Sandro without Asa. Dont have bad substitute, Juventus have no substitute at all.
  6. Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Licht is more then well known and seen. Go on details is really not necessary. If you are not joking about missing him I have nothing to say. Two years ago when he still used to be decent I would send him to China or SAD. Now I have no comment on his "performance".
  7. Stephan Lichtsteiner

    If you are a Juve fan and watch most of games, follow situation it is hard to believe you dont know reasons without his special explanation. He cant as a coach and responsible person say his real and whole opinion about anything if it is not 100% appropriate. He will answer it without any...