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  1. BIG DADDY!!!

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Treating him like what? He gets the exact playing time his performance deserves IMO
  2. BIG DADDY!!!

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Pogba is only 23 and has ties to Manchester and could easily stay there for another 10 years if the conditions are right. And yes at the moment Utd are a step down but they have a great coach and more money than we do to build a competitive team. They'll definitely be back where they belong...
  3. BIG DADDY!!!

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Why would he risk loosing his status with the fans to take a step down and play for Inter? It doesn't make any sense. Anyway we should keep him here and let him leave on a free unless we get made a crazy offer.
  4. BIG DADDY!!!

    Stephan Lichtsteiner

    Will he even be the same player when he gets back? His stamina is one of his biggest strengths and he may not be able to keep up with those high standards that he set.