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  1. juve_ultra

    Stephan Lichtsteiner - RB - Nazio

    Our 'Guri' have been pretty poor in recent times to be honest... heads should roll!!! :snoop:
  2. juve_ultra

    Stephan Lichtsteiner - RB - Nazio

    Well it was Conte that helped the development of Bonucci and Ranocchia while they were at bari and the latter even spoke of his detail and attention to hopefully that translates in our play next season
  3. juve_ultra

    Stephan Lichtsteiner - RB - Nazio

    First of all...Maicon is no longer that good to be honest and at this stage, i would say yes to Lichsteiner over him...a year or two ago, Maicon was one of the best in the world..these days he is way off those standards. Zeigler is also a very solid player and those who have actually taken note...