Search results

  1. Lo-Pan

    Manchester United - Juventus

    you fiends are funny...if i loved england so much, i would be there. No self praise, nor self righteousness...their empire was huge and powerful. My english roots are farmer folk, and my sicilian roots are fascist...So I am an anglo-latin mongrel fascist yokel. What more can you expect of me???
  2. Lo-Pan

    Manchester United - Juventus

    strange how many seem to hate man united...i greatly enjoyed our battles with them in the 90s. They have played attractive football consistently, for many years, showcasing the talents of several of the world's best players. I can understand Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Man City supporters...
  3. Lo-Pan

    Manchester United - Juventus

    well...its amusing, in a puerile way, to see a yankee, a kid from a bastard offspring society of the English, fail to accept his own for only idiot middle aged housewives, not quite eh, Serpico! not here in australia, nor in the US, nor over much of the known world. A massively...
  4. Lo-Pan

    Manchester United - Juventus

    :pado: i guess for many non english people, there remains the jealousy factor. Envy and a begrudging respect for the remnants of one of the most powerful empires in recent times. Strange though, despite this envy and jealousy, to see so many hundreds of millions watching and enjoying the...
  5. Lo-Pan

    Manchester United - Juventus

    pleasing to see our team play with such fine players...perhaps some of their talent will rub off onto the shoulders of our players. Wicked strike from the kid to win it...hope springs eternal for a better future.