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  1. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    No doubt, and i for one like the move as well. It will give the rivalry a good kick in the balls.
  2. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    This loser will do nothing. People comparing it to his first year at Juve, but we ain’t that Milan team. No chance he will win the scudetto with PrInter.
  3. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Hope he goes to Inter. Would add another reason to hate the guy and would make it so much sweeter when Inter fails again.
  4. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Chocking on european nights yet again? Yep, he’s doing exactly that.
  5. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    The greatest:lol:
  6. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

  7. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Im not talking about this tournament per se, but generally. At Juventus it was the same, and he got schooled when he met quality coaches in Europe. A saying goes, great coaches acts, while the rest reacts. Conte clearly belongs to the later.
  8. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Tactically clueless, but for now the grinta carries them.
  9. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Can't stand this guy, but well played today. Completely outsmarted Wilmoets, though that's not really saying much.
  10. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    He showed us how to go from a club legend to a despised man, in the minds of many juventini, all in a single day. Quite a feat actually.
  11. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    I believe it was before that. It was after the matchfixing ban he had changed. He was so great in his first season here. Saying and doing all the right things. Then after he came back from the matchfixing ban he had turned in to a complete and utter whining Little bitch. Even to many fans he...
  12. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Well, Conte couldn't see it. So much for his brilliance.
  13. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Because Mourinho post Chelsea only had positive things to say about the club, even though they fired him.
  14. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Over nothing? Bollocks. His antics and self-absorbed way of doing Things is the reason many people dislike him. Everything in Conte's World revolves around Conte. He is the center of the universe in his own mind. Even though Lippi and Trap went on to train Inter, and that being a far...
  15. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    That interview says it all. Just look at him. His "my shit don't stink" attitude is unbearable. Thank feck he is gone.
  16. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    As expected. Traitor cunt.
  17. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Coz he's a legendary cunt.
  18. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    And where did Atletico get the money to buy Falcao from? They sold Aguero for €45M and bought Falcao for €47M. You have to look at where the money come from. Its not like Atletico keep all their stars and buy a new +€40M player every year. We could sell Vidal for €60M and buy another topclass...
  19. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Once again Conte shows what a newbie he is in Europe. You never ever sub a total of 35 goals in a moment like tonight. Like Ferguson said, you need as many potential matchwinners in the latter part of a match like this as possible. Conte did the complete opposite tonight.
  20. the jesus

    Antonio Conte

    Conte's whining is getting real old, real fast. He's starting to sound like Nic. We've strengthened the squad quite a bit for almost no money, and still you hear whining and moaning about losing Matri. WTF! I mean, we're talking about a player he never used anyway.