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  1. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    Fantastic coach in he’s own right. I dont think any coach other than maybe Simeone will be able to take a slightly above average squad and make them title contenters right away. He is such a toxic personality, that he’s coaching abilities is not worth hiring him. He is only going to stay for...
  2. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    At least I cant bitch about lacking structure and identity any more. To bad the structure will be 5-3-2, with all the workhorses on at the same time.
  3. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    Those celebrations was epic, and he is a fantastic coach. I just feel like he does his best work with a semi talented squad, creating structure and motivation. I am not sure what he could do with a squad full of WC players. This squad is set up to play 3-4-3 though.
  4. dolph

    Antonio Conte

  5. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    I just read his interview on FI, and I think he is preparing a return to Italy this summer. He is starting with all his bullshit avoiding to answer questions and given subtle hint. I will lose all respect for the man if he goes to Inter. It would fit him perfectly. Can only exced this years...
  6. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    I fucking love it. Even that eyepocking shithead, backed off, when Street Conte appeared.
  7. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    He was like that in his first season here aswell. Then all the bitching and moaning just got more and more intense as the pressure and expectations got bigger. Its easier to be calm and balanced, when you are 10 points ahead in the standings. He also got more and more conservative in his...
  8. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    :agree: - - - Updated - - - Conte is so ambitious. If the shit doesent touch the water before he pinches. He gets mad, and punish himself, by aggresively wiping from back to front, with the kind of toiletpapir you find on hospitals and public scholes.
  9. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    Wonder if he does it after taking a shit. He will be running around the bathroom all psycked up.
  10. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    I am always interested to know, why what I wrote deserved a provokative answer.
  11. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    Thats the question? - - - Updated - - - More like he wanted a new challenge. He thought he had taken us as far ad we could come and therefore could only disappoint. Dont now if the story is true offcourse, but it was a rumour when he left us.
  12. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    What part of the story do you find most amusing?
  13. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    The Milan takeover are not finished yet. When it is finished you will see the investments. Just this week a spokesman for Sunning said they were going to invest heavy to make Merda the best team in the world.
  14. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    You think that the chinese investors, who just put 70eur for Oscar on the table wont be able to offer proper wages?
  15. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    I think the story a couple of years ago was that Conte wanted to go to Milan but we refused. I think there is a good chance that we will see Conte, Pep and Simeone in Italy in 3-4 years. I think Conte will be Milan coach in a couple of years, when the chinese money start coming in. Simeone...
  16. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    How is that even possible. We had something like 30 injuries to date and Conte only changed hes lineup 8 times this year. Something is defenitly wrong with Allegri's training methods. Under Conte we almost never had any injuries and now this for the second year running.
  17. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    We played our best football, in the 4-3-3 we used the first half of Contesfirst season though. In fact along with Allegri's 4-3-1-2 in he's first season it was our best and definetly most entertaining football since the late 90ties early zeroes.
  18. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    Hes 23 years old, he has 10 good years in him. Plenty of time to move to Real in 2-3 years.
  19. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    With Miki, Zlatan and Pogba Union and Chelskies squads are pretty equal in term of quality. And who was coaching Chelsea when they where champions not long ago. Both teams are a big step down from ours.
  20. dolph

    Antonio Conte

    I never heard so much dumb shit in my life. Pogba gave everything for Juve on the pitch, while he was here, just as Conte. And how is Pogbas behaviour towards Juve anymore disrespectfull, than Conte leaving us 2 days into the new season? - - - Updated - - - Chelsea not a step down but Man U...