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  1. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    When asked of areas of weakness in the blossoming Conte Juve, the general consensus amongst juventini the world over points towards our attacking department. The defence is world class. Our wing backs are quality, the midfield is phenomenal, but in the final third...such superlatives are...
  2. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    will the TNAS hearing finish on october 2nd with a verdict appearing??? or is that just the end date for conte's defence to state their case with the verdict arriving sometime after???? also...what are the major italian media outlets predicting will be the outcome??? and lastly...if the TNAS...
  3. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    his switch to LB produced what I found his best performance all last night's game.
  4. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    That isn't at all what I wrote, nor what I am/ was suggesting Conte did. More of a 'let them try and break us down, run themselves into the ground, and then, once they tire we bring on three pairs of fresh leg, who not only give our team a second wind, but also add to the quality level at the...
  5. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    I think he set up the team for the first half with containment as the main goal, and had a different plan already in mind for the second half, before the match even started. Tire the bastards out, use some legs which aren’t our best legs, then once the opponents run out of steam, bring on the...
  6. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    Set the team up to go for the jugular from the very beginning, by starting DP and also de ceglie, offsetting their offensive natures by placing Giaccherini in a mezz’alla role. Clever move. Showed faith in Quagiarella which was ultimately rewarded. Managed to rest our most in form prima punta...
  7. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    I am pleased with Conte so far. he rarely seems overly optimistic or needlesly pessimistic. he has his plan of what needs to be done, and is well aware that its going to take time, and that both milanese teams are beyond us, in terms of squad depth and cohesion. Then again, I do not feel that he...
  8. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    I will be absolutely disgusted if DP seriously seems a starter in front of Quagiarella...surely that makes no sense?
  9. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    :klin: My horridly eroded haggardly rooted neopolitan translates that line as...'Juve are us!. but whose cock are you????'....
  10. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    why can you not simply agree? but if i was nearby, yes i would stop i have no reason to be in any way content with turning the other way as you top yourself. We fell out over delperio mainly...for fucks sake...a footballer...not your very existence.
  11. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte you have likelty noticed, mike. i have no form, over a fairly lengthy period now, of falling foul of anyone over there, and yet the main posts i make here or there, are often duplicated. Its a different crowd, older folks manning the pumps, at the offside. Here, i hold my hands up, i...
  12. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    i have not lied in any way whatsoever...that indicates something very weird on your part to even suggest so. We locked horns, and i was insulting, angry, mocking...but anywhere near the point of saying that i would not care at all if you ended your own life??? come now, stick to reality, not any...
  13. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    as much as i find hatred towards many members on here, easy to come by, never would i write such horribly vicious words...even towards those i hate the most. Disgusting...absolutely fucking assert such things as ' he can commit suicide for all i care'...when the ONLY topic he...
  14. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    hohohoho...a figure of speech, mate...i am just wondering if it is the same Mike, I have interacted with, on the offside...???where i remain, as i was on here for a whole, thegutterpoet.
  15. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    the first part of your post I agree with...but adding to that, a mocking of all Cron's posts, is ignorant, at best....because he always bases his rants on facts. His english ain't great, but his message is always clear, and always focused 100% on juventus, never on himself. For these things, I...
  16. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    Is this the same Mike, i play with on the offside???
  17. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    Perhaps he had heard that we asked van gaal, deschamps, ancelotti, capello, hiddink, even ranieri...and that if conte himself declined the job offer, then Zach would be coming back, after proving himself world class with those pesky japs...its possible. But more likely is that he feels he can do...
  18. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte

    Nedved made no suggestion at all of the offer as recent, just in the past, likely when Secco was still our Sporting director...don't jump before the true call, cron.
  19. Lo-Pan

    Antonio Conte
