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  1. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    4 consecutive doubles, 90 pt seasons, breaking rrecord for most goals in history of the club etc is not going downhill. Team was getting progressively worse, especially the midfield. We needed a rebuild with him, club disagreed and are paying the price now.
  2. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    We didn't need Conte, we just needed to stick with Max and do things his way. I agree, but it's a process, we're getting there.
  3. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    Ofc he spent it, he was Milan's coach and refs made a huge blunder, anyone would make a fuss about that. Oh, he was 'willing' to come back huh? He didn't realize what he did when he ran away and wanted to weasel his way back in like nothing happened? Poor Conte I'm not surprised you missed it...
  4. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    :ratcafe::ratcafe::ratcafe: Anyways, Conte has done plenty to be called a pos. Badmouthed the club many times, ran away in preseason, went to Inter. Allegri has done none of those things. In fact, he had a choice and a chance to go to Inter last summer but came back to dig us out of shit.
  5. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    No they don't because just one of them is enough to wipe him out completely. He was never a Juventino, he was always in it for selfish reasons. Wherever he goes and whenever he talks it is just "I did this, I did that", like Beppe and Agnelli did not exist, like he does everything by himself...
  6. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    Conte/Juve timeline: - Juventus legend and captain - not the best of endings, leaves the club - talks shit about us in Serie B - comes back as coach and does an incredible job, brings us back - gets suspended for knowing about match fixing by the FIGC, Juventus supports him and stays with him -...
  7. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    I agree in general, or at least hope, but let's say Zidane stays and Allegri does not like conditions presented by Juve. Inter could be his only option. A long shot but I have a bad feeling
  8. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    I am scared shitless that they will snap Allegri away. He does not have to come back but please no Inter
  9. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    I really want him to stay and for us to beat him next season. Cannot stand his smug face
  10. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    Rot in your own misery
  11. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    Still hope
  12. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    I know logic doesn't really apply to a hothead like Gonde, but how can he even think of leaving just like that? He has the support of the board, they fulfill his wishes in the market, he has an amazing salary (25m net over next 2 seasons), can he really give that up? He'll have the best chance...
  13. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

  14. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    They won't fire him. They'd have to pay 25m to him, 10 to Spalletti and another 20-25 to Allegri or Pochettino (why would they accept less than Gonde?). That's CR wages right there. If Conte wants out he'll have to run away. Not that that'd be too hard on him. I'd be devastated to see Max over...
  15. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    Simeone, Pep, Klopp, Mourinho and Zidane all earn more than him at Inter. He is getting paid by Chelsea still tho.
  16. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    As if anyone cares lol
  17. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    I was just thinking I needed a break from Juve for some time.
  18. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    Who, Conte? He's practically begging for the job.
  19. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    He lives in Turin.
  20. IlCapitano

    Antonio Conte

    I didn't say it had to be 4-3-3 exactly, but he NEVER tried anything else. I still have nightmares from the first game against Lyon in EL that year. They man-marked Pirlo and he let Bonucci send long balls all game long. Allegri didn't have wingers next year, didn't have attacking mids next year...