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  1. swag

    [Serie A] Parma - Juventus (15-05-2011)

    I dunno. It's almost a little ceremonial for me. Like with every point dropped, it's like shoveling another pile of dirt on Del Neri's corpse. It's cathartic in some odd way.
  2. swag

    [Serie A] Parma - Juventus (15-05-2011)

    Looking at Juve's lineup, I wondered if this was a charity friendly sponsored by Paolo Montero.
  3. swag

    [Serie A] Parma - Juventus (15-05-2011)

    I may even card myself so that I may miss this match.
  4. swag

    [Serie A] Parma - Juventus (15-05-2011)

    Just shoot us all in the heads, Del Neri, in a 17 million person mass murder+suicide and get it over with.