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  1. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    Yes, you brought this up. The man was joking and you kept ignoring the joke and kept on posting incorrect information about your man Saddam Hussain. Where's the Saddam avatar? I guess you just found out he actually invaded a country and killed thousands of people. Now.. Who's your pick for MOM?
  2. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    Cypriots are of different ethnicity, are they Turkish or Greek? Can you please draw a map of your world and post it in the politics section?
  3. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    :lol: Alright. Then, a lot of countries in eastern Europe are part of Russia. And you know what, all of north Africa and Arab states belong to Turkey. You logic is fucked up, mate. P.S. go to the Off-Topic forums.
  4. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    Have you heard of a country called 'Kuwait'?
  5. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    Next season, and please no Europa League.
  6. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    Great no Motta, finally. I want Grosso there, not because 'Campioni Del Mondo' is amazing but cos I think Traore is an absolute waste of space.
  7. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    Someone told me that, mathematically, we can still win the scudetto. Forza Juve.
  8. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    Fuck Fiorentina.
  9. [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus (17/04/2011)

    I'm afraid the only way to have a chance for the 4th spot is to win all 6 remaining matches, or at least 5 wins and a draw.