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  1. CalcioJuventus

    [Serie A] Juventus - Bologna (26/02/2011)

    Capello would not leave an extremely high paying job coaching england to come to a crappy Juve mid season unable to make any moves in the trasnfer market or train them over the summer break. Lippi probably would not want to either but considering he is not working it is easier to see him coming...
  2. CalcioJuventus

    [Serie A] Juventus - Bologna (26/02/2011)

    I would go with Sven out of the options listed. he can at least organize a defence
  3. CalcioJuventus

    [Serie A] Juventus - Bologna (26/02/2011)

    I hope they axe Del Neri. Juventus can't lose back to back against Lecce and Bologna. Fire him and bring Lippi or Conte. Juve look really aweful what a sad day.