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  1. Mafia

    [Serie A] Lecce - Juventus (20/02/2011)

    I'll notify the police that you will be on suicide watch in about 90 mins.
  2. Mafia

    [Serie A] Lecce - Juventus (20/02/2011)

    Sorry forgot to quote u the first time. I understand your point, and yes sometimes our players are capable of doing some good things. But in sports, when you are in a big game situation, many times you play out of ur mind, better than you generally would, and outdo yourself even, when you are...
  3. Mafia

    [Serie A] Lecce - Juventus (20/02/2011)

    I understand your point, and yes sometimes our players are capable of doing some good things. But in sports, when you are in a big game situation, many times you play out of ur mind, better than you generally would, and outdo yourself even, when you are playing against a team that you perceive...
  4. Mafia

    [Serie A] Lecce - Juventus (20/02/2011)

    Our coach isn't good or anything. But could you guys stop complaining about him only. Is it his fault that fucking 10 yr old schoolkid long balls beat our defense about 15 times this game,'s the players, if you know how to defend, you dont let that kinda shit happen. Our players cant...
  5. Mafia

    [Serie A] Lecce - Juventus (20/02/2011)

    You can blame the coach as much as you want guys, but our players are fucking awful.....if u didnt realise..
  6. Mafia

    [Serie A] Lecce - Juventus (20/02/2011)

    If anyone here is surprised by this result right off the back of a great game and beating Inter, than you don't know Juventus well enough. Coulda bet my house we wouldn't win this game. Our team is extremely poor and predictable, resultwise, and actually in terms of how they play too.