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  1. [Coppa Italia] JUVENTUS 2-0 Catania (13-1-2011)

    Energy drink sold here in Aus
  2. [Coppa Italia] JUVENTUS 2-0 Catania (13-1-2011)

    WTF was DP on tonight? 5V's, a litre each of Mother and Red Bull?
  3. [Coppa Italia] JUVENTUS 2-0 Catania (13-1-2011)

    After we got knocked out of Europe - "At least we can concentrate on the league now" was the response. After we get knocked out of Coppa - likely to be against Catania "At least we can concentrate on the league now" will be the response. As we're already out of the Scudetto race, what will we...
  4. [Coppa Italia] JUVENTUS 2-0 Catania (13-1-2011)

    Shite I made the same mistake :O
  5. [Coppa Italia] JUVENTUS 2-0 Catania (13-1-2011)

    We struggled to beat Catania in the last game we played them when we were apparently in "form" (apparently drawing 100 games means we are in form)