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  1. Azzurri7

    Marotta-"Juve in the style of Barcelona" Jack heard wailing in despair from China

    Rab: Mum, can I have the Barcelona breakfast? You know I want to eat like them Mum: What's Barcelona's breakfast? Rab: I don't know, do me something easy to eat Mum: Are you stupid? Rab: No I just want to become like them, like Barca, cheer like them, swim like them, eat like them. Mum: here...
  2. Azzurri7

    Marotta-"Juve in the style of Barcelona" Jack heard wailing in despair from China

    As a Juve fan, I'm asking my mum now to cook me the Barcelona style of food so I can also cheer and support ala Barcelona style.
  3. Azzurri7

    Marotta-"Juve in the style of Barcelona" Jack heard wailing in despair from China

    :star: People tend to forget this just because other teams are passing through their glorious era. :sergio: Plastic fans.
  4. Azzurri7

    Marotta-"Juve in the style of Barcelona" Jack heard wailing in despair from China

    We've always been an example to follow since when do we follow other team's style or strategies or anything else? Fuck it.
  5. Azzurri7

    Marotta-"Juve in the style of Barcelona" Jack heard wailing in despair from China

    I have a question for Marotta, shall Juve fans also eat and shit like Barcelona fans?
  6. Azzurri7

    Marotta-"Juve in the style of Barcelona" Jack heard wailing in despair from China

    What a stupid thing to say from Marotta :sergio: